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Valler Konsult

Vi arbetar med allt inom svetsning, hydraulik, mekanik och bemanning.

A Leading Industrial & Manufacturing Company

Vi arbetar främst mot företag inom Göteborgsområdet.

To further develop our strengths haves established a co-mandate to maintain strong core values corporate mandate to maintain strong core values reflect our philosophy.

The world is changing faster than beforesi binessi is no exception Industic industries are threatened as technology disrupts and software “eats the world.Yet those ebrace change are thringi buildi you are helping to lead the charge we can help you build on your past successes.

You are helping to lead the charge we can help you build on your past successes and prepare for your great future.

Tjänster vi levererar 

Vi utför tjänster mot företag som arbetar mot asfalt, stenkross och maskiner.


Utilising latest processing tionest and decades experience.


Utilising latest processing tionest and decades experience.


Utilising latest processing tionest and decades experience.


Utilising latest processing tionest and decades experience.